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Instituto de Investigação
em Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos
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A satellite telecommunication and internet-based seismic monitoring system for volcanic eruption forecasting and risk management

Coordenador Científico


Investigador Responsável/IVAR


​In the European Union, over one million people are directly threatened by volcanic hazards. The main objective of e-Ruption is to design and develop a prototype Internet and telecommunication-based seismic monitoring and early warning system for improved prediction of volcanic eruptions. e-Ruption will investigate the type and nature of volcanic seismicity which is precursor to an impending eruption and will assess their significance in terms of eruption potential through theoretical and applied seismo-volcanological research and the use of advanced information and communication technology. The specific objectives to achieve are: (1) to develop theoretical models to identify seismic precursors of volcanic activity, based on archival and ground-collected seismic data from volcanic and hydro-geothermal sites in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, and France; (2) to establish relationships between seismic events and volcanic activity, based on the data collected and modelling, to formulate a real-time automatic classification procedure for determining the likelihood of occurrence of an eruptive event; (3) to formulate procedures for assessing environmental and civil risk related to volcanic eruptions, based on the information provided, as well as from end-users, and incorporate them in an environmental and socio-economic risk management and public awareness approach to volcanic hazards at a site; (4) to design and construct a prototype for volcanic eruption forecasting and risk assessment, based on outputs from previous tasks. The system will incorporate software developed for visualising data and information produced; and (5) to set up and demonstrate a prototype network system for volcanic early warning, by linking the permanent seismic recording centres at the test sites to a volcanic eruption forecasting system, using Internet and high-bandwidth terrestrial and satellite communications technology.​​n​

Outros Investigadores

C. Banninger, M. Schemitsch, H. Stelzl (JR-AT); A. Nischelwitzer (TJ-AT); J. Hogg, B. Hoyle, C. Knowles, C. Moorhouse, S. Leary (Geosoft-UK); G. Saccoroti, M. Martini, G. Vilardo, E. Del Pezzo, C. Terranova (OVINGV-IT); S. Bizzi, O. Guerra, L. Ciucci (ACS-IT); P. Gasparini, W. Marzocchi, G. Lannaccone, L. Sandri (GVN-IT); B. Palazzo, L. Petti, M. De Lulis, B. Serlenga (USAL-IT); J. Ibáñez, G. Alguacil, J. Morales, J. Peña, J. Esquível, E. Torcal, E. Carmona (UGR-ES); A. García, R. Ortiz, M. Astiz (CSIC-ES); M.J. Blanco (IGN-ES); D. Panagiotopoulos, P. Hatzidimitriou, C. Papazachos, M. Fytikas, E.M. Scordilis, V.Karakostas (AUTH-GR); J.-R. Grasso, (UGREN-FR); C. Bean, G. O'Brien (UCD-IE). ​

Outras Instituições

Ficha de Projeto

A satellite telecommunication and internet-based seismic monitoring system for volcanic eruption forecasting and risk management
Entidade financiadora:UE
Contrato nº: EVR1-CT-2001-40021
Programa: FP5-EESD
Sub-programa: "Environment and Sustainable Development"
Responsável: C. Banninger (JR-AT) / Nicolau Wallenstein
Duração: 2002 - 2005
Total: 221.335,00€
Data de Início

Data de Encerramento



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