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Referência Bibliográfica

MARQUES, R., GASPAR, J. L., SILVEIRA, D. (2004) - Caracterização do debris flow associado ao terramoto de 22 de Outubro de 1522 (S. Miguel, Açores). 4ª Assembleia Luso Espanhola de Geodesia e Geofísica, Figueira da Foz, Fevereiro (Poster).


Since the settlement of the island, in the beginning of the 15th century, several destructive landslides triggered by catastrophic rainfall episodes, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occurred in different areas of S. Miguel Island. On October 22nd, 1522 one single event, triggered by an earthquake, destroyed most houses in Vila Franca do Campo,  killed about 5000 people and buried in mud areas of fertile land.


Based on historical documents, aerial photographs and field observations, a preliminary study was carried out concerning the major debris flow triggered by the 1522 earthquake. The deposit was mapped and its macroscopic features described. The deposit was correlated with the regional volcanostratigraphy. Future sedimentological studies will be performed in order to establish its physical parameters, aiming to minimize the impact of future events and implement strategies for land-use planning.

