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Instituto de Investigação
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Referência Bibliográfica

CRUZ, J.V., ANDRADE, C., COUTINHO, R. (2014) - Estado químico das massas de água subterrânea nas ilhas do Grupo Central do arquipélago dos Açores (Portugal). Comunicações Geológicas, 101: 665-670.


​The present study addresses the chemical status of groundwater bodies in the islands from the Central Group of the Azores archipelago (Terceira, São Jorge, Graciosa, Pico, Faial), determined according data gathered with the ongoing monitoring operations. In the majority of the islands groundwater bodies are in Good status. However, some groundwater bodies are in Poor status is Pico (Madalena – São Roque e Piedade) and Graciosa (Plataforma Santa Cruz - Guadalupe) islands, due to groundwater salinization, as shown by exceedances in parameters associated to this process (electrical conductivity and chloride content). 

