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Instituto de Investigação
em Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos
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Referência Bibliográfica

​TORRES, P., CUNHA, R.T., MICAELO, C., RODRIGUES, A.S. (2016) - Bioaccumulation of metals and PCB’s in Raja clavata​. Science of the Total Environment, 573: 1021-1030.​​


​The goal ofthis studywas to assess stable isotopes profiles, metals concentration and PCBs in Raja clavata muscle and liver, according to sex and size, and to elucidate its suitability as a Mid-Atlantic biomonitor. The results reflected bioaccumulation and suggested biomagnification processes for As and Hg in muscle tissue. Cd, Cu and Zn were detected in highamounts in liver, Cr, Mn and Rb were relatively stable and low, Pb was not detected and Sr was present in muscle at high levels, decreasingwith length. Hg and Se were strongly correlated, suggesting a mitigation role. Both tissues presented low concentrations of PCBs, especially the dioxin-like congeners, although always higher in liver and not correlated with size. None of these contaminants exceed EU legislated limits. However, they need to bemonitored given study area's location, volcanic nature and theexpected increase ofanthropogenic activity related to future prospective mining activities and the establishment ofthe Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between Europe and the USA.

