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Instituto de Investigação
em Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos
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Referência Bibliográfica

CAMARINHO, R.; GARCIA,P.V.; FERREIRA,T.; PARELHO, C.; VIVEIROS, F.; SILVA, C.; RODRIGUES, A. (2013) - BioAir - Biomonitorização da Poluição do Ar: criação de uma rede integrada. Jornadas da Ciência. Qual a importância do seu estudo no arquipélago dos Açores?, Ponta Delgada, pp.165-168​


​Environmental pollution is a worldwide phenomenon that affects human and ecosystem health. Air pollution cannot be faced as a regional or national concern, since it has no frontiers, and thus it must be monitored even when no apparent emission sources of pollutants exist. Therefore, each region has the obligation to monitor the air quality that it breathes. Although Azores seems to have a pristine environment with good air quality, it urges to monitor its quality in order to preserve it and prevent future pollution events. Moreover, in some locations air quality may be affected by natural emission sources of air pollutants, so the risk for human and environmental health needs to be evaluated when the air quality is poor. This project is committed to characterize the environmental air quality in three localities of S. Miguel Island: Ponta Delgada, the most populated city of the Azores, with higher anthropogenic pollution index in Azores; Furnas, a rural Village, with the higher natural volcanogenic pollution index in Azores; and Sto António, a rural Village, without apparent main sources of anthropogenic or volcanogenic pollution. Hence, the obtained results will provide answers to the requirements of the Decreto-Lei n.º 102/2010 of 23rd of September. Knowing that air pollutants can affect the health of living organisms, the project will develop a biomonitoring program to assess the risk of being exposed to measured pollutants, either of anthropogenic or volcanic origin. Respiratory, genotoxic and endocrine disruption will be studied in human and in a bioindicator species (Mus musculus).

