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Instituto de Investigação
em Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos
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Construction, Deployment and Operation of a Volcanic Seismic Array

Coordenador Científico


Investigador Responsável/IVAR


Changes in the level of activity in volcanic systems are triggered by an increase in the dynamics of the magmatic fluids, materialised by mass movements and by important pressure changes in the volatiles. These activities are the source of the low frequency volcanic seismic signals. To identify, quantify and locate the sources of these kinds of precursory signals, specific techniques have been developed throughout the last three decades. Although seismic stations equipped with low frequency sensors can detect these kinds of signals, its source can’t be located in the absence of P and S waves. The only way to locate it and to follow its dynamics is using seismic arrays or seismic antennas. In this project it is proposed to develop, build and deploy in the field, an experimental seismic array based on a Spanish prototype that already operated in the Azores. This instrumentation will be used to support seismic studies that are being developed in the central part of S. Miguel Island. Additionally, the seismic array will allow the Centro de Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos Geológicos (CVARG) to use a new technique that will support the traditional seismic monitoring techniques.

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Ficha de Projeto

Construction, Deployment and Operation of a Volcanic Seismic Array
Entidade financiadora: FCT (QCA III)
Referência do projecto:
Programa: Financiamento Plurianual de Unidades de I&D
Investigador Responsável: Nicolau Wallenstein
Duração: 2004-2005
Total: 55.225,57€
Data de Início

Data de Encerramento



Outros investigadores:
J. Ibáñez (UGR-ES)

Unidades Científicas

Unidades Científicas Operacionais