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Referência Bibliográfica

CRUZ, J.V., PACHECO, D., COSTA, S., MELO, C., CYMBRON, R., NOGUEIRA, R., BRITO, A.G., COUTINHO, R. (2010) - Evaluation of the Water Framework Directive implementation in na outermost region: the case of Azores archiplelago (Portugal). Livro de Resumos da Conference on Integrated River Basin Management under the Water Framework Directive. Le Nouveau Siècle, Lilli, France, 26th-28th April 2010.​


The Azores archipelago, composed of nine volcanic islands, is one of the seven outermost regions from the EU. The archipelago has a surface area equal to 2333 km2, but the dispersion and the fragmented character of the territory is shown by the islands surface area (from 17 to 747 km2). As an autonomous region from the Portuguese republic, the Azores has specific authority to define its own sustainability and water resources management.
The Azores Water Plan (AWP) came to force in year 2003 in order to provide a coherent set of measures to protect and enhance water resources in the archipelago. The AWP was developed according to EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) and a close relationship can be found between goals on both documents. The opportunity provided by the evaluation of results associated to AWP implementation, made possible through a consultation procedure, allows the indirect assessment of WFD objectives delivery in and EU outermost region as the Azores. Major constrains to AWP and WFD full implementation are associated to administrative arrangements, reflected in a lack of coordination, as well as adequate funding, and strategic guidelines provided by WFD shows a weak performance, as cost recovery and public participation and information. Instead, water quality monitoring is already fully operational reflecting a strong relationship between science and water policy.

