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Instituto de Investigação
em Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos

Artigos em livros de atas ► Internacionais


Referência Bibliográfica

ALVES, C.A.S., CRUZ, J.V., FRANÇA, Z. (2003) – Estudo de eflorescências salinas em monumentos e edifícios de São Miguel (Açores). III. Meio não saturado. In: Neiva, A.M.R., Neves, L.J.P.F., Silva, M.M.V.G. e Gomes, E.M.C. (Eds.), Actas do IV Congresso Ibérico de Geoquímica - XIII Semana de Geoquímica, Coimbra, p. 294-296.


The study of efflorescences in buildings and monuments of São Miguel island (Azores) revealed the predominance of sodium soluble salts with occurrences of halite (with minor gypsum), that is considered to represent a salt system resulting from evaporation of rainwater with a main oceanic component, and of sodium sulfates and carbonates, that could indicate a different salt system that results from the interaction of rainwater with building materials. Erosive decay of volcanic stones is most frequently associated with sodium sulfate and carbonate efflorescences, suggesting the importance of the study of geochemical evolution of salt systems in the understanding of decay processes and patterns of building stone materials.

