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Instituto de Investigação
em Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos

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Referência Bibliográfica

WALLENSTEIN, N., BLANCO, M.J., IBÁÑEZ, J., SACCOROTTI, G. (2004) - Two seismic experiments in Macaronesia on behalf of an EU project: Teide Volcano (Canary Is.) and Fogo-Furnas volcanoes (Azores Is.) International Symposium “REDUCING VOLCANIC RISK IN ISLANDS”. Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, 2 - 6 de Junho (Poster).


On the behalf of the UE 5th framework, the e-Ruption project aimed to develop a prototype Internet and telecommunication-based seismo-volcanic real-time monitoring system to provide the necessary early warning of an impending eruption. To provide high quality data for the models development and testing, short-to-mid term seismic surveys were conducted and archive data was used, from active volcanic and hydro-geothermal sites from six volcanic areas in the European Community and Antarctica
Teide Volcano was selected as one of the active volcanoes to host a seismic survey. The experiment started in September 2002 and consisted, in a first phase, in the deployment of three seismic arrays in Las Cañadas Caldera and on 3D station in Güiomar area.  Data recorded until now included regional and local earthquakes and tremor-like events. The experiment allowed improving the seismic coverage and consequently the capability to detect and to locate local events in the Teide-Las Cañadas area.
 In the Azores Islands, Fogo-Furnas volcanoes, and adjacent areas, were chosen to quantify and to characterize the seismicity associated to its very active hydrothermal systems. A joint Italy-Portugal-Spain team deployed a sparse network of 14 stations equipped with both short-period and broad-band sensors, and three dense arrays of short-period instruments, complemented by the stations of the permanent network, which recorded continuously from April 1 to July 15, 2003. More than one thousand events were recorded, with about 500 well-constrained hypocentral solutions. The preliminary results confirmed the influence of the hydrothermal systems in the local seismicity (Saccorotti et al., 2004).
The two seismic experiments in these volcanic systems of the Macaronesia, by collecting high quality seismic data, represented an excellent opportunity to improve the knowledge of its present-day seismo-volcanic activity.

