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Referência Bibliográfica

CRUZ, J.V., PACHECO, J., CUNHA, R.T. (2013) – An analysis of Environmental Impact Assessment practice in the Azores archipelago (Portugal) from 2000 to 2007: constrains in small island territories. In: Borrego, C., Miranda, A.I., Arroja, L., Fidélis, T., Gomes, A.P. (Eds.), Actas da 10ª Conferência Nacional do Ambiente - XII Congresso Nacional de Engenharia do Ambiente, Vol. IV, Aveiro: 823-824.​


​A survey was made in order to characterize EIA practice in the Azores archipelago (Portugal) from 2000 to 2007, and to discuss the constraints and difficulties of conducting EIA in small island territories. A total of 50 EIA processes were submitted along the studied period, and the analysis revealed that major constrains to EIA practice in the Azores are associated to an insufficient consideration of island specificities, including the legal framework itself, the lack of technical staff and the need for adequate communication strategies. As the majority of EU outermost regions are islands, capacity building programmes must be developed at that scale, as well as considering the insertion of the Azores archipelago in the Macaronesia region. 

