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Referência Bibliográfica

SILVA, R., HAVSKOV, J., BEAN, C., WALLENSTEIN, N. (2012) - Seismic swarms, fault plane solutions and stress tensors for São Miguel Island central region (Azores). Journal of Seismology, vol. 16. p. 389-407. DOI: 10.1007/s10950-012-9275-x.


​The central region of São Miguel Island is one of the most seismically active areas of the Azores archipelago. A revised analysis of the seismicity dis- tribution at this region has, for the first time, shown that the seismicity is clustered in two distinct areas: the area around Fogo Volcano (Fogo) and the area around Congro maar (Congro), with each area having a highly localized swarm activity. From a total of about 15,000 events in the period from 2002 to 2010, 78 best located events were selected to make fault plane sol- utions using P-wave polarities and amplitude ratios. This set of fault plane solutions, and another six sub- sets derived from it, were inverted for the best fitting stress tensor. The stress tensor using all the 78 fault plane solutions is characterized by a subhorizontal σ1 striking WNW-ESE and a σ3 striking NNE-SSW, consistent with the regional stress field for this region. A similar result, using only the fault plane solutions
located in the Fogo area, was obtained. On the other hand, for the Congro area, a local stress field seems to be superimposed on the regional field: subhorizontal σ3, striking NNE-SSW, and a near-vertical σ1. The same stress regime persists in the first 5 km depth, probably related to the upwelling of thermal fluids. The rising fluids generate horizontal extension at shal- low depths, which favour the opening of cracks and the circulation and ascension of hydrothermal fluids. The stress regime deeper than 5 km is more uncertain; however, it is indicative of a compressional regime. Thus, it can be conclude that the smaller Fogo area appears to be dominated by the normal regional stress field while the high active Congro area seems to have a different, highly heterogeneous stress field dominated by local conditions.

