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Instituto de Investigação
em Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos
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Artigos em livros de atas ► Internacionais


Referência Bibliográfica

AMARAL, A., RODRIGUES, A. (2011) - Volcanogenic contaminants: Chronic exposure. In: Nriagu J., Ed. Encyclopedia on Environmental Health. Pp. 681-689. Elsevier B. V.   ​


​Volcanic eruptions can produce deadly quantities of toxic contaminants, but long-term exposure to low doses may also be of noteworthy risk. During and after eruptions, volcanoes release numerous hazardous contaminants in solid, aqueous, and gas phases, including ash and fibers, heavy metals, irritant and asphyxiant gases, radioactive gases, among others. Long periods of exposure to these volcanogenic contaminants can have adverse effects in several biological systems. This article summarizes the different types of volcanic products and hazards and the health problems associated with chronic exposure to those. Special focus is given to ash, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, radon, and metals. In addition, some considerations are made about prevention and mitigation of risks, and what should be incorporated in future studies to better understand how longterm exposure to volcanogenic contaminants influences the health status of people living in volcanically active areas.

