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Instituto de Investigação
em Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos
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 Timescales of magma ponding and ascent at oceanic volcanoes; implications and consequences




Informação Geral

Research Project / Research Group Description:
A successful forecast of a volcanic outburst requires, among other things, a good knowledge of the structure of a volcano and of the timescales of the processes which occur in its magma storage system. These are basic information to obtain reliable estimates of the time required by magma to ascend from its reservoir and of its physical properties.
This proposal aims at assessing pathways and timescales of processes related to magma ponding and ascent, basing on a geochemical, petrological and mineralogical study of the characteristics of the rocks erupted during the last 5000 years from key-volcanoes in the Macaronesia region in the Atlantic ocean (i.e. Pico, Sete Cidades and Água de Pau - Azores; El Hierro, Cumbre Vieja, El Teide and Timanfaya - Canary, and Fogo - Cape Verde).
A barometric study of the fluid inclusions trapped in the various mineral assemblages of samples will locate the magma storage areas beneath the study volcanoes;
The geochemistry of melt inclusions hosted in the mineral phases previously studied will quantify the processes of fractional crystallization with the volatile enrichment in the magma, and the possible events of magma mixing, as the trigger for major explosive events;
The modelling of chemical elements diffusion during magma ponding in the reservoir, mixing and ascent in the conduit, will quantify the timescales of these processes. During these processes in fact, each chemical element diffuses at a characteristic speed that is linked both to its relative mobility and its different spatial concentration. Therefore, the distribution of selected chemical elements through crystals (i.e. chemical transects in olivines, clinopyroxenes and feldspars) and through the boundary between the mineral and the host magma could be used to infer the elapsed time between the onset of the mixing and the eruption.
All these information are relevant for the institution working with the monitoring of seismovolcanic activity to prepare emergency plans.

Job position description:

The candidate will integrate IVAR’s scientific unit of Physical Volcanology and Magmatism and will work with scientific autonomy.
Applicants shall prove a good preparation in petrology and mineralogy of igneous systems. The knowledge of the geochemistry and petrography of fluid and melt inclusions and mineral zonation are advantages, even if not fundamental, at the time of the application.
The Physical Volcanology and Magmatism scientific unit has a wide range of laboratory facilities to prepare samples and to run microscopy and microthermometric study of samples and fluid inclusions. Hired fellow must dedicate to laboratory work with precision, organization and cleaning, and will be the sole responsible for the preparation of his samples and the development of his scientific work. Sampling outside São Miguel island will not be required.
It is expected that the candidate will apply for local, national and transnational funds for training periods abroad and for participation in congresses.